
The archaeological and historical heritage of Udaaludeniya Rajamaha Veharaya

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                       When we come 15km on Kandy Gampola main road,we can meet the small town ‘Waligala’. There a small road in right side From the ‘Waligala’ and when come ½ km ,we can see the ‘Udaaludeniya Rajamaha Veharaya’ ,over ben situate in the left side.  This temple is in Kandy district belonging to ‘Udo Nuwara’ secretariat division and also this belonging to ‘Mal Wathu’ temple chapter.

                     To judge the historical information about ‘Udaaludeniya Veharaya’ this also running apart to period of Gampola. This temple was built the kings who govern the Gampola named king IV ‘Buwanekabaho’ (c: e 1344-1351) note in temple seat alias ‘Nampotha’.as well as the king who govern the Gampola named king v ‘Parakkramaboho’ (c: e 1344-1359) was built this temple note in here. According to ‘Udo Nuwara Veyhti’ treatise in past this was a ‘Tampeta Veharaya’ but now ‘Udaaludeniya Veharaya’ designed according to contemporary structure in 1930.

                     Inside of the buddha mansion there 14 cubit a ‘Sathapena Pelimaya’ ,there about a statues the king who govern the Gampola named king IV ‘Buwanekabaho’, idol  of bodhisatta and we can see the idol of ‘Dagasaun’. There are many valuable painting inside of the temple wall. In the ‘Udaaludeniya Veharaya’ there are small caion nearby rocky plain belonging to c: e 1742 year we can see a inscription, stone. This letter say the ‘Kothmale Pusulpeteya Veharaya’ was under ‘Udaaludeniya Veharaya’ and the various kind of ‘Puja’ to done by the temple.This ‘Udaaludeniya Veharaya’ famous because of door frame with buck timber named ‘Rabawa’. This door frame made of sandalwood. There are  various type of engravings. in the mean time we can see statue of ‘Gajalakshmi’, trump,’Kaikalam’, tambourine alike music instruments, statue of ‘Gandarwa’, statue of horse, statue of lion, lotus design ,creeper design, and filled pot engravings. This door frame fixed in ‘Tampete Veharaya’. Later it fixed in ‘Veshnu Dewalaya’ aside of temple viz in present (c: e 1930).

                        The caion of ‘Udaaludeniya Veharaya’ was important because of the fund of middle cultural done a archaeological excavation in 2004. that is a small caion in north side of the temple.According to ‘Udo Nuwara Veyhti’ treatise,this was the oldest ‘Amlakara’ caion. excavation in 2004 they can find many antiquities.This antiquities collection are the biggest antiquities collection in period of Gampola. Between this there are 142 small ‘Hedi Pelima’ and another antiquities. for the present this antiquities are keeps in national museum.

                       Additionally to above age-old asset, there fane, modern temple, bodhi- prakaraya and bell.the panting in this temple also important. we can see  two style of painting in here . in awning there painting of flower design, painting of king  VI ‘Parakkramaboho’ and  painting of fllower.


                       In Udo Nuwara district ‘Udaaludeniya Veharaya’ is the most archaeological and valuable place and the every Buddhist persons must be see this place.

  • Weligala, Sri Lanka

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